Thank you for sharing this!
However, I would also need to point out something (please don't worry, I'm just letting you know about the dark side of ABA and why some Autistic individuals consider it as abuse)...
To Autistic people, ABA is like dog training to them and it's more of a kind of torture (similar to "conversion therapy" that LGBTQ+/MOGAI (Marginalised Orientations, Gender Alignments, and Intersex) individuals continue to go through to this day) that seeks to "rid" them of their natural neurotype, to make them "normal" due to a large amount of stigma that is still prevalent in the media today, and to also traumatise them in turn to make them seem neurotypical (or what most neurotypical people consider themselves to be "normal") passing.
Besides this, thank you for introducing yourself and thank you for your efforts in making the world a better place for Autistic folks like myself and many others (oh yeah, it's okay if you're still learning how to best support Autistic folks, because I'm proud of you for putting in a lot of hard-earned effort).
I'm looking forward to read more of your thoughts, ideas, and your perspectives :)
Raven (They/He/Xe),
BloodyWinter01 (Writer and Editor of ArtfullyAutistic)