Midnight Philosophical Ramblings of a Nocturnal Gremlin (1)

6 min readJul 2, 2021


Photo by Jackson Hendry on Unsplash

TW & CW // mentions of COVID-19, society’s overbearing, but detrimental expectations of others different than them, capitalism mention, rape mention, grooming mention, transmisia, enbymisia and colonialism mention, etc.

Why is it that we’ve become so tired of feeling alone and restless during quarantine? Is this G-d’s way of telling us “hey, humanity, you’ve polluted this planet that has evolved by evolution, so now y’all are going to have to deal with the consequences of your actions with the COVID-19 pandemic” or is this some hellish nightmare of a timeline or reality we live in?

Society keeps expecting us to continue to “stay positive” and to continue being “productive” throughout this pandemic as if we’re carrying on with life as normal… I genuinely wonder what happened to transparency and being vulnerable with the stresses and the dreary actuality of life in quarantine? What about the conflicts that people are having with their families, people who’ve turned out to be unsupportive, along with “friends” who turn out to hurt you behind your back?

What about romantic, platonic, queerplatonic, and/or sexual partners who say “I love you” and try to show that they love you, but end up being misunderstood in the process because they’re used to being misunderstood by their romantic, platonic, queerplatonic and sexual partner(s), or because both friendships and relationships are one hell of a muddy battlefield that we’re navigating? What about those who’ve started to question how they have perceived their internal sense of their gender for the first time in their life? How are they doing? I hope that they’re doing okay because I’ve learnt from Trans, Gender-Modal, Non-Binary and Intersex experiences on the internet (and YouTube in general, plus I recommend LGBTQIAP2S+/MOGAI YouTubers such as MilesChronicles, Jessie Gender, GoddammitMalcolm, Phoenix Animations, Brenner, and all the kind, but well-informed people galore!)

(A/N: Be very careful and aware of Kalvin Garrah, for he’s committed more than enough harm with his internalised transmisia, enbymisia, and colonialism towards non-binary trans folks and especially towards non-binary, gender-non-conforming gender-modal folks, including intersex folks, and keep a safe distance from him, he’s done more damage than good [I’m saying this for y’all’s own safety].)

What’s happening to resilient and brave precarious newcomers who are dealing with so much pain, mental and emotional slavery? Why is society expecting them and many other marginalised groups to be “strong” when they also need care, support, people who accept and appreciate them as they are with their strengths? Why does society expect everyone to be strong, independent (and to not be “co-dependent”, which is realistically impossible because us humans are interdependent, but social creatures anyway), and “empowered”? Is the concept of empowerment becoming a joke that society can freely throw around without understanding the history of its origins and without understanding that they stole it from marginalised communities who’ve put up with their nonsense for millennia?

What’s happening to those in poverty and dealing with intergenerational trauma passed down from their families? Why is there little to no healthcare support that’s culturally sensitive and that provides them with actual community healing? Why is society so G-ddamn obsessed with individualised healthcare and therapy to dunk on others who maybe dealing with a lot more than the surface only society sees? Why is society so concerned with keeping a good image of being all good, humanitarian, and saintly rather than helping someone who’s been groomed as a child, someone who’s been raped by classmates and/or by their own family?

How do anarchists (another example of real-life humanitarians) still get demonised just for striving to overthrow what’s harmed marginalised folks in the past, while those being complicit in discrimination towards marginalised communities under institutions, detrimental no-profits, national associations of professions, and more are “praised” for doing some non-existent or morally dead example of “the right thing”? Why do privileged, capitalist and bigoted societies steal credit from anarchists and corrupt the media to make anarchists look “bad” just for having a stronger sense of humanity while also being humanitarians behind the scenes?

What the hell happened to critical thinking skills when discussing predominantly white/Eurocentric philosophers (i.e., Kierkegaard, Paul-Sartre, Butler) instead of teaching society philosophical thought from anarchists and from others throughout history? Why do we teach only one side of history about our countries, but never show the dark truth about the skeletons in their closets that are covered up to make a country seem more better than others when it should address or tackle its own closet skeletons that have yet to be shown to the world? Why do people from predominantly white cultures and especially those on the purity culture bandwagon on Twitter have difficulty distinguishing between what is cultural appropriation (stealing from a culture one culture continues to marginalise and historically oppress) and what is cultural appreciation and/or sharing one’s culture (for example, a Korean hanbok store or Japanese kimono store with its owner appreciating and enjoying others from different cultures and/or ethnicities trying a hanbok and/or kimono on)? Why can’t they leave people sharing each others’ cultures and appreciating different cultures the hell alone instead of directing their focus on preventing others (especially minors who are netizens, or citizens of the internet) from being groomed by creeps on the internet?

I wonder what happened to building oneself from their own life experiences, or from being able to filter which information helps them instead of this “finding yourself” nonsense that isn’t enough… Why do we keep sucking so hard at managing conflicts in our own lives? Why are we, as human beings, get so obsessed with getting to “”know”” ourselves while not realising that we also suck at it while forgetting to build our own selves up from our own lives and the very strong bonds we have with our trusted ones that also make us who we are as people? What’s happened with all of this over-emphasis on the self? Would this over-emphasis on the self actually solve anything or would it keep contributing to systemic issues that are long overdue to combat, reconcile, right, or to mend? Why do people preach about confidence and empowerment, but when a person already has created their own versions of that, they’re suddenly attacked and shit on just for fitting into the unrealistic and corrupt expectations of what confidence and empowerment “should” look like? Isn’t this ironic, hypocritical, and contradictory like this material reality, this wasted wonderland of a timeline we live in, including life itself? Why in the hell are we so caught up on the wars that previous generations and even our parents and grandparents have created for younger generations and for us to clean up? WHAT THE HELL DID WE EVER DO TO THEM TO DESERVE THIS?!

It feels like centuries since we’ve last went to see nature at both its best and worst, but… there are some things about the cruel and life-like duality of nature that are better left alone and unjudged (like Orcas consuming the tongue of a humpback or grey whale for their own lunch to gain nutrients, or certain kinds of sharks being consumed by them for only their livers), like Corvid birds (i.e., Crows and Ravens) harassing critters larger and smaller than them (however, this is preventable in actuality if one listens to those on the internet who have knowledge on this topic more than anyone else, as knowledge is also subjective), like the fetuses of certain kinds of sharks consuming each other in the womb, including heartbreaking traditions in the animal kingdom that are better to not be seen for most of the time, since we, as human beings, are one of the most judgmental, contradictory, ironic, hypocritical, but also smartest beings on the planet, and dolphins (are literal toothed whales that are much different than baleen ones) are only second to us, including many more smart species of living animals.

Living in quarantine might be heaven for some people, but for others, life in quarantine has become a living hell one has to try and survive or else they’re not “positive” enough, that they’re not “productive” and “empowered” enough, or else they’re simply being ignored by some egotistical Eurocentric, white-saviour like society who expects everyone to please it or it’s ground for punishment and public humiliation for not “conforming” to its arbitrary and pointless norms and its capitalist “realism” that is nothing more than some “realism” to try to keep us afraid of fighting back against the horrors and the wrong side of human history that comes with capitalist realism…

So humanity, when will we begin to fight against oppressive systems and when will we begin to overthrow and abolish them, just like many others have attempted to do so in the past?




Written by BloodyWinter01♾✡️🎧🍓

[He/They/Xe] | Autistic | This is a safe space for you to read in the comfort of your home! You can find my ko-fi at: https://ko-fi.com/ravenfridmar43791

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